How to Connect, Pitch, and Convert – with Mark Januszewski

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Hello, everybody. I am so happy to be with you here today and to get to share the screen and the stage with somebody who I love, who just has a heart of gold, who has a mouth like a sailor, and totally cracks me up. One of my favorite people in the network marketing professio: Mark J, The World’s Laziest Networker, somebody who has just been a phenomenal friend to our family, a phenomenal friend to Contact Mapping, and a gift to so many in the profession.

Adrian Chenault: So I’m going to bring him up here. Let’s get him on stage here with me. Hello, Mark.

Mark Januszewski: Hey, Aloha from beautiful Hawaii. We actually have sun coming out today. We were thinking about building an arc yesterday. Whe we get rain in here it’s a — it’s the wettest place on the planet, but that’s what makes it beautiful, you know.

AC: That is so cool. I’m still — I know my dad came out and visited. I’m still working on this. When this all craziness lifts, I’m coming to you, man. I want to come hang out at your place.

MJ: We got your room ready, man, we got your room. So, I want to start this off with an Aloha. If you’re not familiar with that, and I certainly wasn’t when we moved here 10 years ago… Actually almost 11 now. “Aloha”, I thought it meant “Hello” and “goodbye”, but “Alo-” is actually “the divine” and “-ha” is “breath”. So when someone says “Aloha” to you, they’re putting the breadth of the divine on you. And I think what you’re doing is such a blessing, such a perfect timing blessing. It’s just fantastic. So Aloha, everybody, may the breadth of the spirit beyond you today and all that you do, particularly the decisions you make.

AC: Yeah, absolutely. Man, absolutely. Well, this is going to be so much fun, Mark. Like I said, is somebody who we massively love, who we massively trust. He only does a couple of huge free, powerful things in any given year, and whenever that kind of thing comes along, you want to make sure that you’re a part of it because you are going to learn a tremendous amount. And not only are you going to learn a bunch, but you’re going to actually get into action, which is by far the most important thing. And so Mark, I’m going to turn it over to you. I want you to talk about what you’re up to and talk a little bit about how it can, what you see as the connection between contact mapping and what you’re getting ready to roll out here.

MJ: Well, first of all, I want to talk about, this idea of old school versus new school, that doesn’t really exist. You know, there’s things that are old, that aren’t usable anymore, and there’s things that are new, that are wonderful. But what you have to focus on, are principles because fashion comes and goes and things that are hot in, let’s say social media or fashion or whatever, they’re going to pass. That’s just the way it is. And what really endures is principles. That was really the thing that attracted me to the Chenaults in the first place is that they run their business and their lives the same, they don’t compartmentalize: “This is okay to do in business, but not teach to my kids”. And I’ve always admired that in you. And I know how busy you are, but when spring break came, you spent time with your family.

So, you know, this is a really, really important thing to me is that we’re going to focus on some principles today. And the thing is with network marketing, lately the last couple of years, and particularly since COVID hit, is that there’s some wonderful ideas, but it ends up people have complicated this business. We only do five things. Number one, we get names and numbers. Number two, we invite those people to look at our stuff. Number three, we show them our stuff. Number four, we collect the decision. Maybe relationships you’re building or this or that. That’s not what we really do. You may do some of these things. So you can do these five things. So one is names and numbers. Two is invite them to look at your stuff. Three, show them your stuff. Four, collect the decision. And then five, and this is where the big money is in network marketing.

It’s not in sponsoring more people and that’s sort of been a cancer. That’s crept into our industry. It’s not about sponsoring more. It’s about getting more people sponsoring. So I’m going to make a confession. My biggest regret in network marketing is I sponsored too many people. And I just got a little chicken skin down on my left arm here and it almost turns my stomach sometimes to think about the amount of people that I sponsor. Because when we sponsor someone into the business, we are implying directly that we’re going to help them improve their lives. But if we don’t work with them and move on to the next person, next person, next person. So we can sponsor more. Guess what? We’ve not fulfilled the promise when we originally talked to them. So this is the most important thing to me.

Every deal that Davene and I built, and we built six of these to top pin levels, and we did it without hurting people from deal to deal. When we first moved over here in 2010, we were collecting from five different network marketing companies at top pin levels. Okay, we built everyone off a new list, and this is really, really an important thing because what we were able to do in each deal with sponsor less and less people, because we learned something, which is what we’ll be teaching for four days. And that is how to get more people sponsoring. The last deal we built, we sponsored, we were given credit for 17, but five of them were my aunts and uncles. So it was really 12 people. And none of those 12 people had success in network marketing.

Nine of them had never done it. And we built a group of over 10,000 act of not the zeros next to their name. And we’re in the top 50 earners out of 1.25 million people. Now I’m not really that comfortable talking about that because it sounds boastful, but it isn’t, it’s easy. It’s easy. Once you figure out two things: one, how to get names and numbers in a timely and effective way, and I have never seen in 33 years of networking that I succeeded (okay, and five years of failing), I’ve never seen anything so easy to expand your list and have some type of relationship or a way into the dialogue with people than Contact Mapping. It is unbelievable. However, that won’t make you any money. That will put you on the precipice of wealth. Here’s the thing that we’re going to be sharing and it’s at

What we fail to realize is that we’re always presenting. That’s the thing, we’re always presenting. What does that mean? Well, a lot of people, Adrian, I think when they think about a presentation, what they think about is someone up on stage or when they’re showing somebody the business. I think you’d agree with that, right? But the truth is when you contact someone that you pulled off Contact Mapping and what you guys do with Clubhouse and Instagram is unbelievable. Okay. And I know that they can get that app of yours free. So what are we doing? Okay, what are we doing? Grab it free, start to work with it. Spend the time, you know, don’t sit there “I don’t have anybody to talk to” to somebody saying “here’s how you find people to talk to”. But what we don’t realize is we are making six presentations, constantly: one, that little initial conversation that you have with someone it’s a presentation, only 20 – 30 seconds.

Everybody knows the subconscious mind makes all the decisions. So you better know what you’re doing, how to present, so that person is ready to buy and ready to join in less than 30 seconds. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying they’re ready to pull out their credit card. I’m saying, they’re ready to buy your next suggestion and join you with an open mind. And that’s the best that you can do. The second presentation that you’re making, or one of them that you’re making, of course, is you’re talking to your business, talking about your business, presenting your business to people; and people think that’s the only presentation, you’re always presenting to your team. Look, if you bring people in and they’re not producing, sponsoring more people is not the answer. And that’s the mistake we made early on, Adrian, we bought into what people were saying, that peop,le that don’t look or are close minded and people that join and don’t do anything are losers.

If you do the math, it doesn’t compute. There’s no way that 99.5% of the people that joined network marketing are losers or quitters. Maybe we were teaching the wrong things. Maybe we were lousy teachers, or maybe we were lousy teachers teaching the wrong things. And that certainly is what happened. So we started this study rather than network marketing, what had been traditionally done for 40 years. And if you look at companies, income disclaimers, the numbers were horrifying to me and Davene. So we wanted to build a completely different culture. And we realized something, everything runs on human nature. We all make decisions exactly the same way they’re made in what’s known as the limbic system. So we’ve devised a way to communicate with the limbic system. The limbic system is the part of the brain that evaluates the reward potential of a judgment call.

When you contact somebody about your business and ask them to listen, they’re going to make a judgment. When you ask them to look, they’re going to make a judgment. When you ask them to enroll, they’re going to make a judgment. And most importantly, and the most important presentation that you’re making all the time is once they’re enrolled, when you talk to them, you’re trying to get them to engage in the business. That five things we do names and numbers: ask them to look at our stuff, show them our stuff, collect the decision and number five, and this is huge, number five is a monster, is get them to engage in the first four activities. All we do is, the people that say “yes”, then hands-on, we show them what to do, and successfully to do those four things, get names and numbers, invite, show and collect the decision.

And so the most important decision, and Dave and I had mastered this by the time we hit the last two deals that we built, and we like to build deals, walk away and cash checks. That’s what we’ve always done. And so what happened was we developed a sequence, and the magic is in the sequence of how you present. And maybe we’ll show you a little clip to illustrate that point in a couple of minutes, but fundamentally you can use Contact Mapping and get all the leads you want. But if you don’t know what to say and do with them, then you’re caught in that rat race of constantly getting new names. Here’s a think about this. It’s just common sense. What would be more effective to convert and Davene and I, the last three years, we were building actually two and a half years.

We converted 94% of the people that we sat down and showed the business to. Okay. That was very, very important to us. The 12 people that we sponsored in the deal we built, like I said, five of my aunts and uncles, they had arthritis. So I just wanted them on the product because it helped a little bit with that. But out of the 12 people, five of them were six figure earners. So what would be more effective for you, to constantly be sponsoring more people or to have teams that are building teams without you? That’s where the money is. The money is not in sponsoring. The money is in getting more people sponsoring and in We’re going to show you how to make those six presentations that you’re constantly making that little 32nd pitch that to get somebody to look or get somebody to listen to you for a couple of minutes, that’s a presentation. And most people don’t think of it that way. They think of it as a separate thing. Does that kind of answer what you’re asking?

AC: Totally. I think that’s brilliant. And it’s so — you have to have both, right? You’ve got to know how to have the right conversation. And then you got to know where you’re going to take them on the other side. And those two things are essential. And I I’m just so excited for this workshop that you’ve got coming up.

MJ: Yeah. So imagine this. Imagine you bring people into the business and you know how to communicate with them so they want to engage, they want to make three way calls with you, they want to open up their list and, most importantly, they want to expand their list and you can give them two things right away for free. Number one: what you can do is show them how to constantly have new people coming in. And I’ll tell you what happens to people when their list shrinks, their stress goes up and there’s a big lie out there that people perform better under stress. It’s not true. Pressure, yes. We want to be in pressure situations. This is what we’ve worked for to take the winning shot in the game, or to ask the girl out on a date, that’s a precious, you’ve prepared for that. You’re ready for that. Stress, when you don’t know if you can pay your rent or feed your kids, nobody makes good decisions. So you bring someone in the business, you burn through a few of their names and you’re showing them how they can add more names everyday. Then they’re burning. They relax. And relaxation is attraction. When people are relaxed, having fun and making money, you don’t have to worry about being attractive. You are.

You know, I remember when I got my first check for over a thousand dollars, I got out of my truck and I walked to the bank and I said “you know, I’ve never seen anybody laughing all the way to the bank. I’m going to laugh all the way to the bank”. And it was because I was relaxed. Okay. So you didn’t take — with Contact Mapping you take all the pressure off people.

And if you get to this workshop, you will have better than 90% of the people agree to look at your business. We’ll teach you how to recruit rejection free. And when you’re not being rejected and you get yeses all the time, you’re going to do it more often. And when you sit down with someone to show them your business, we will show you how to convert better than 90% of the people that you enroll. And these presentations are five, six minutes. They’re not these one hour plan product company. That’s not why people joined. They joined for one reason, the hope of a different outcome. And there’s only three things in their mind. And if you don’t know those three things, you’re dead in the water at some point, because you’re selling rather than supporting. And we’re going to show you how to support people in the dialogue that will convert better than 90%.

But most importantly, because you bring people in this way, the template of how to do it, listen to me, that’s the most important thing you’ll ever hear in network marketing, the initial experience that people that have with you when you recruit them is what they believe. I mean, believe that they have to do. If it’s fun with Contact Mapping, if it’s simple and easy and you get 90 – 95% results right away, guess what? You’ll do it more often. And if it’s easy for the prospect, they can’t wait to get to work. And that’s really a major, major thing. If everything is in a presentation, nothing happens before the presentation that happens after the presentation. And if you have a presentation that impacts people and it’s going to do it in one of two ways, one, if there were a red or a white, it’s going to touch their head.

Cause reds and whites are logical. And if you are talking to a blue or yellow, your presentation will touch their heart. You want to touch their heart or touch their head. Now I have to be candid with you. A lot of people that have been to our trainings for the first time, it kind of blows them away. You need to get to, and you have about two hours of homework to do before you get there, because this is a fire hose and we’re going to have you succeed. If you’ll prepare, you know, I’m gonna tell you right now, when opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. There’s a couple of short videos over there you need to look, you’re going to take a color code test, and I’m going to teach you how to improve your communication with everybody in your life, as well as prospects. Does that make sense?

AC: That makes nothing but sense. And you just gotta be on this thing. I’m really excited about what you’re doing, Mark, and it’s just— you know, to have that kind of applicable-immediate-effect kind of a thing just doesn’t come along very often. And so, I’m really excited to plug people into this.

MJ: I am too. So let me see if I can get this short video up here. We’ll see if this works. That really explains it.

So this is a— I’m explaining how good this chocolate cake is and let’s assume your business’s a chocolate cake.

AC: We can’t see it, buddy. It’s not popping up on my side to like, put your share into the screen so it’s not cooperating. Sorry.

MJ: That’s okay. That’s okay. It’s fine. We’ll show you there. What we really do there is — what’s fun about it is, we have this beautiful chocolate cake and we asked people in the audience “who wants chocolate cake” and we get a girl that does, and we go over andwiththis beautiful chocolate cake. And then I put my hands in that chocolate cake and pick it up and shove it in her face. And everybody screams and goes backwards.

What was the difference? The presentation. It’s all in the presentation. And by the way, at, there is a little quick quiz. It’ll take you 10 seconds to do that quiz. And it’ll tell you whether or not you understand how to put a presentation together. So we hope to see you there. You’ve got a one-two punch that’s killer. Get Contact Mapping, get it today, start playing with it. Yes. There’s a tiny, tiny learning curve, but in today’s world, I think it’s more for people like me. The kids seem to pick it up right away. And then you are now going to be able to make those six presentations. And you’re going to be able to nail them, asking people to listen, asking people to look, showing them your business, collecting a decision and then, most importantly, getting them in action once they enroll.

Okay, that’s the money. It’s engaging new distributors to get more people sponsoring. Always remember, it’s not about sponsoring more, it’s about getting more people sponsoring. So you have teams that are building teams effectively without you, and you can go play while they build, it’s been fantastic to be here with you. And I’m so grateful that, my wife and Adrian are going to be getting together. So powerful is this app, that we’ve decided to roll it out to our entire company. We have a staff of over 60 people and over a thousand members in our master key experience, which we give away once a year. And we are rolling that out to everybody. I want to tell you something, in 11 years and 11 years, our company has never had another vendor come in here.

That’s the trust level we have with these guys. And that’s how powerful the tool is, because really two components, if you trust them, that’s great, but if what they have is complicated, it doesn’t work. And that’s just going to frustrate people. It’s simple, easy, in their onboarding process is second to none. So we have a trust and we have something that works. And imagine your people being able to get all the names and numbers that they want for free and be able to present and convert when they do. That’s why we’re entering into this partnership together, which is feeling so blessed by you and your family. Thank you so much.

AC: Awesome, man. I’m so, so excited. We feel the same way about you guys. It’s just an opportunity to take two amazing things and make them even better by putting them together. So thank you, Mark. Thanks for sharing with this community. So many awesome comments and so many exciting things going on here. For those of you who are hanging out, looking for more, I’m going to post something in the comments right now. My dad, Tom Chenault is live with Rob Sperry, right as we speak, talking about what Mark just mentioned, that importance of belonging, love, trust, safety that you build in relationships. And so jump over there and go and check that out. And, definitely right now, if you haven’t already done it, go to, go get yourself on this thing. It costs you nothing. It can bring you everything. And so, Mark, thanks again, my friend. Love you and we’ll see you soon, buddy.

MJ: Aloha.