How to become unstoppable in your business no matter what obstacles come in your path

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Hey my friend, just want to check in with you really quick and let you know about something that we did on Thursday at noon, that is going to knock your socks off. I have been wanting to have this forever, and finally, we were able to line it up and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you. Our buddy Ray Higdon, who recently wrote a best-selling book, Time, Money, Freedom, which is all about mindset and how to become unstoppable in business. This book is incredible. Ray, if you don’t know who he is, is incredible. The company that he runs, he’s a coach and a trainer, and they are in the Inc 2000 Fastest Growing Companies. I don’t even know how many years in a row. This guy is truly a powerhouse and he has overcome a huge amount of obstacles and a huge amount of resistance in his life. His heart is all about showing you how to overcome resistance and to create a super powerful unshakable mindset in your life. I asked him if he would come and share that with our community and he graciously agreed to do it. And so on Thursday at noon Eastern, we did a live free webinar that you do not want to miss. It’s going to be amazing. Ray is awesome. And I’ll just tell you that as I have been an entrepreneur, these last three or four years, and as I have been in business my entire life, you know, I have realized that having a mindset that can take on whatever obstacles may come and learn to rise from them, learn to take action in anyway, learn to not be deterred by the stories that we might tell ourselves with the fears that come up, but to keep moving forward in a way that is powerful is one of the most incredible assets you can possibly build for yourself in business and in life.

So I want to invite you to come and hear from somebody who does that better than just about anybody who I have ever met and who has a huge wealth of knowledge to share with you. And so I hope you’ll come and join us. It’s at noon this Thursday, April 8th, if you go to, you can grab your seat for free. Or if you just comment webinar here on the post, we’ll actually send you a message with the details and you can get registered that way. But I would love to have you join us. It will be recorded. Go ahead and register. Even if you can’t join us live and we will get you the replay of it instead, but we definitely want to see you there. It is going to be phenomenal. I can’t wait to share it with you. Thank you so much. Look forward to seeing you on Thursday, Ray. You’re amazing if you’re watching this, can’t wait to share the proverbial stage with you and we’ll see you all on Thursday. Thank you. Bye.