Your enthusiasm could be making you look like an @$$hole | Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Maybe you’re in a business tha has changed your life. Something means everything to you and you fell so in love with it, that you decided that you wanted to build a business around it because it’s so important to you and it means so much to you and it really helped you. Maybe, you feel like it literally saved your life. And maybe you feel like you could save other people’s lives.

And, all of a sudden, you’re out there talking to people and you hear somebody who maybe tells a story that is almost exactly like your story. And you go “Oh my gosh, I could really, really help this person”, so you get excited and you tell them all about how this could help them. And probably your heart is so big for trying to help that person, maybe they’re really polite about it, maybe they’re even really excited about it. And then, all of a sudden, they don’t buy it or they don’t follow through, or maybe they even ghost to you and you’re left wondering “well, what happened there?”